Due to the nature of the novelty industry, we are unfortunately unable to offer returns or exchanges. All seeds look identical, making it near impossible to identify if they were swapped or otherwise adulterated at any time. Additionally, instances disrupting the accordance of law may occur in certain states. As a verified vendor, what we can guarantee is your novelty product(s) will ship in perfect condition, in their original breeder-sealed packaging.

You’ll be happy to hear we have not yet encountered any report or feedback in this regard. Products remain in their tamper-free, original packaging from the breeder and placed into yet another tamper free package before shipping. If the situation does occur however, we are happy to help facilitate an open line of communication with the breeder in an attempt to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

As king of the jungle, Green Lion prides itself on quick, seamless transactions; expect same day shipping, save holidays or orders created later in the day.

Upon placing your order, you have 48 hours to provide payment before the purchase is cancelled.

You will be emailed your tracking number as soon as your order is processed (same day, save holidays and late-date order placements).

We accept Credit Card via phone (with proof of ID), Zelle/Venmo (for qualified customers and orders under $350 USD), and the old tried and true cash via mail.

Yes, we are happy to ship internationally! Some of our first memories came from overseas. Unfortunately when an order reaches customs, there is a small chance of unpredictability as per government policy, so shipping cannot be insured internationally.